
As the month draws to an end, I finally feel up to writing and updating this space. If you remember right, I have always been avoiding writing about a particular aspect of my life on my blog and I did a brief mention of it at my wrap up 2008 post too. There has been an underlying current of unhappiness in spite of all the great things that took place in my life last year. It made me angry, upset, lost and confused but I carried on with hopes it will change but at some point probably in mid-2008 I realized that the me finding happiness at my current job would be impossible.

I do not wish to go through all the details but in short I was not happy with the kind of work I was doing and the people I was working with. I have been on the look out for the perfect job for almost 6 months but with me being picky and the economy doing its thing, it was kind of tough.

A couple of weeks back after one of those horrible days at work, I decided I cannot take it any longer and I headed home with a resolve not to get back to work. It was a hard decision for me. I had no backup plan and going from a 2-income family to a 1-income family overnight in a bad economy did require a lot of thought. But luckily for me I had unconditional support from my husband and my family who told me to think calmly through it before rushing through it.

I thought about it and then drafted my resignation letter and before signing it I did give-in to tears of confusion and emotional conflict. I remembered how happy I was to receive that dream offer and how I celebrated the new job after an evening of dance. But through all this my grandfather’s principles and visions and dreams for me kept me going. It might seem odd but I swear I can hear him tell me stories from his life, stories that I know well that highlight a moral pertinent to the confusion in my life.

I signed off my resignation letter and spent time being a homemaker and life is much better today. I realized it is much harder to compromise one’s principles and values for the sake of money than to live in a budget. I think I made the best decision in a long while and I am happy about it and finally in peace.

To better morrows and a life that makes one happy, I raise my glass!

Have a good life and follow your heart, it makes a difference!


  1. ART

    July 27, 2009 at 9:47 pm

    hah! lucky you…enjoy!

  2. Sivashanmugam

    February 26, 2009 at 11:20 am

    It’s just another page in life, i suggest youview Sadguru’s discourse DVD title “Inner Management” it did throw me a lot a light when i was in one such situation. Also i recommend the “Inner Engineering” course to you both at “Mahima” in Tenesse, for more details just visit http://www.ishafoundation.org, cheers !

  3. Homecooked

    February 19, 2009 at 11:59 pm

    Hey…you left your job! Kudos to you! In the end, all that matters is your peace of mind and contentment. Money comes and goes….I am sure you’ll get a better oppurtunity somewhere else.IN the meantime relax and blog more 🙂

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