

Motivating Yourself – Ways to push yourself

February and Me

It is past mid-February. February is a month that cloaked in grey and black. It seems to drag on and on which is strange because it is a short month. I lose the mojo that powered me in January. Like most people, I tend to abandon my plans and dreams around this time of the year. I fall back to comfortable inaction and forget the promises I made to myself.

At around the 6-week mark, I need a boost of motivation to keep up those rather ambitious resolutions taken. I need to find ways to keep motivating myself and finding that push.

Here are some ways keep motivating yourself as you continue the journey of change.


Cleaning up my desk and the house pumps me up. Clean sheets on the bed, books in piles and a bunch of discarded paper clippings make me energised. There is something therapeutic about cleaning and sitting at a well-organised desk with a brand new to-do list. So cleanup, print a new motivational quote for your desk, swap those pictures on your inspiration board and make a brand new to-do list. It will fill you up with positive energy.


An introspective reflection time is a must for everyone. Learn to look within yourself. The process is hard and the questions you need up with are harder, but a self-reflection time is a must every few weeks for renewed energy and vibes.

I haven’t done that lately and I have been thinking I need to go sit by a pond or lake and let my thoughts lose. I do my best thinking near waterbodies.

Have Fun

We rarely factor in fun as a resolution. Our lists are bare and ambitious. We need to shake things up a bit. Forget the resolutions for a day or two and have fun. Uninhibited fun. Remember to laugh out loud and clear. Let simple joys feed you. You will comeback determined and recharged.


Our resolutions are often private. We are hesitant to share them. Maybe because we fear failure. But a good support system and a team to brainstorm with help us reach our goals faster. Sit with a friend, share your resolution and your journey, your ups and middles, talk and seek ideas. A mutual exchange and support goes a long way.


Let your imagination go wild. Fill your mind with images of what-ifs. Visualise your December. We need to remind ourselves of the wonders waiting at the other side of the resolutions wall. We need a little imagination to give that shove we need to keep climbing. I regularly think about “what-ifs” and cling tightly to hope.

Finally, remember, it is just February. 10 more months to work on. Regular baby steps will definitely take you there.

Keep pushing! Keep going! You can do it!


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