

I live in a noisy world and the fact suddenly hit me.. I don’t mean the cars and horns and noise that are of the eardrum shattering kind. I meant the other noise – the information, the ugly sounds, the hate speeches and such that seem to be floating all around my online life.

I consciously have been letting noise into my life and I actually had been enjoying the information constantly being fed to me via Twitter, Instagram, podcasts, radio shows etc. I woke up at a time when I should have been sleeping and realised that I have too much noise surrounding me. The noise was too much to bear. I felt like my own screams and sounds were drowned in the sea of noise I was letting into my life.

The noise I was letting into my life was also drowning the sounds of people who I cared about. The people and the voices that mattered were being muted or pushed back. I decided to shut down the noise in my life. Surprisingly, it wasn’t too hard.

I turned off the radio. Reduced my Twitter and Instagram activity. Podcasts I once relished are now being ignored. The noise is less. The random voices talking about things that I need not know have reduced. There isn’t silence but there is a kind of eerie peace. I feel like I am hiding from the world and trying to hear for the whispers that seem to know more than I do.

I don’t miss the noise which is strange. I had expected to be terribly lost without the sound but it was ok. My world had enough sounds and music and news. It is exhausting by itself without adding the sounds of strangers.

For now, I live in this closed off bubble. Do I miss the outside noise? Not much really. Do I hear whispers of people around me better?  Not really.

For now, I enjoy this noise-free life. Someday I will jump back to actively seek voices outside my head and bubble.

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