
A: Assembly

Can you believe it? We are in the second quarter of 2015. Time flies and here I am beginning yet another April A to Z Challenge. This year I am attempting haiku. I am no poet but I am on a poetry phase. So bear with me while I play with words and attempt to recreate my childhood. Words are all I have.

You can read more about my theme for this year’s challenge here School days always started with assembly. The first bell would ring, we line up and then the second bell goes off. We march and take our places under the banyan tree. Prayers, songs, gossip, catch up, announcements, morning news and more. It was a routine. A pain in the neck at times. In honour of the old-tradition, here is today’s haiku

Trampled banyan leaves

Preachy voices, sleeping minds

New school day begins


Windblown skirts and ties

Don’t forget the screeching mic

Million thoughts crisscross


Red dust in the air

“Be Just and Fear Not” we sing

Discorded loud voices


Ant creeps up white shirt

Boys and girls mutter, squabble

Teachers bear witness.


Coming up tomorrow, B: BHEL


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