
April A to Z Challenge

The first quarter of the year has flown past me. I have had my moments of peace, calm, joy, frustration and depression. It has been a typical year so far. It has been so normal that I feel like I am struck in the rut. I have an urge to soar. To fly to heights I have not scaled. I have the urge but lacked the push.

I needed a challenge and I saw a tweet about the April A to Z challenge on Twitter. Decided to jump head first and sign up. I have been double guessing my decision since then. I am still not sure if I should do it. But I am going to. I need to get the gears cranking and this seemed like an ideal challenge.


26 days (not including Sundays), 26 letters and 26 posts. I am going to wing it – no theme, no rhyme or reason. I am planning to randomly selecting words and write short stories. Yes fiction. It is something I have not attempted before on my blog and I think it is time to change.

A to Z fiction run starts April 1st right here. Give me some love and get ready for a slew of posts. I have no clue if I can rise up to the challenge but pushing myself is going to be the key.


1 Comment

  1. Reflections - April A to Z Challenge | Pooh's Den

    May 5, 2014 at 6:53 am

    […] jumped into the challenge head-first. I heard about it (at the last minute) and decided to write short stories/scenes. The timing was […]

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