
Cheep Cheep

Sparrows are a disappearing species. It is hard to find them in the urban settings we live in. There has been lot of talk and effort to save these birds. March 20th is celebrated as World Sparrow Day and we decided to celebrate it with crafts.

While in Chennai, we have also been watching migratory birds make their trips and roost along the backwaters. I find their journey fascinating and I am glad my daughter does too. It is different seeing the world, the migration and the birds through her eyes.

Kuttyma did most of this by herself. She collected twigs, struck them on paper, selected bird pictures, cut them to shape and pasted them. The leaves were the finishing touch. A quick and easy project ideal for a 5 year old.

A quick bird craft made from stuff you can find around home

A quick bird craft made from stuff you can find around home

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