

There is a pain within me as I watch my adopted home struggle. I know I have lot to be grateful for – my family is safe. Our neighbours and friends made the decision the evacuate and planned it all out. A great friend opened their house to us and as I type this they have power and running water. I am grateful but there is a sadness within me.

I have spent sleepless nights on twitter following hashtags and people report from disaster land. I have seen the fighting and helping spirit of people step in when the officials slept. I bow down to these people who have stepped in and helped.

Amidst all the positive stories I see and hear, I hear the bad stuff too. Stories of swindlers, of people abusing volunteers, of bosses who demand, complaints about everything from the quality of food to the religion of the volunteers. I want to physically throttle the negative elements. Do they realise how lucky they are to be alive.

I check the photos people put up on Twitter, I scan them carefully looking and identifying places. I feel the heaviness within me wiggle around and settle uncomfortably. I scroll away and waiting for more news while having my mother’s number on auto dial.

The rains have slowed down and water is receding but the worst is still in front of us. Thousands of people have been displaced, thousands of homes and vehicles need to be replaced, roads need to be fixed, the airport too. There is damage everywhere around. I wonder if my city will bounce back and if it will take the effort to develop more sustainably after this.

I know Chennai will go through a massive food shortage, disease outbreak and price surge on necessities after this. I wonder if people are equipped to handle it. I know the strongest and bravest who held their heads high during the worst will breakdown. The devastation is such.

Stay strong Chennai!

P.S: If you reached here seeking current updates about #ChennaiFloods, please head to Twitter and that is where I get all my information from.

My twitter handle


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