
Hazard Reduction Burning in Australia

When friends ask me how I find Australia, I tell them the truth – it is strange, different and exciting. Australia (in particular Gladstone) landscape is something I have never seen before. Eucalyptus trees everywhere, yellow grasslands that remind me of Africa, exotic birds and animals I have associated with zoos, I-cannot-believe-my-eyes kind of coral reefs. It is fascinating and strange. I savor the strangeness and launch myself on a mission to learn more about this place and be a part of the strangeness.

Spring has sprung this side of the world – a spring unlike one I have seen before. I associate Spring with a tight buds curled up blooming into colorful flowers, tender green shoots staking claim and tea parties. Unfortunately I did not find anything like that in Gladstone instead I was engulfed in a smoky haze the first week of Spring.


I learned about Hazard Reduction Burns. Every Spring, to reduce bush fires during the hot summer months, fuel sources (shrubs, grass etc) are removed. Obviously some of the fuel sources are removed by hand and mechanical clearing. But there is also controlled burning to remove the ground litter. This has been a practice in most of Australia for more than 30 years.


I admit the concept does not rest well with me. I am not sure why. I know I should look into more data and statistics (I have been looking and most of the data I find is pertinent to the 90’s and does not address the issue I am interested – pollution) before I share my views. It is quite obvious that these burns will not stop bush fires from occurring but do they reduce the risk? By how much? What about the wildlife in the area? I think that is my major issue. I imagine small insects and birds being fried (sorry for the gory image but I cannot get it out of my mind).

I see charred ground clear of shrubs as I drive everyday and I cannot get the image out of my mind. It has been bothering quite a bit as you can see. While I understand the need for safety and fire prevention, the route taken seems dubious.


The smoky air bothers me. The charred ground troubles me. The black I see is the remains of orange flames licking. It reminds me of the haze situation in Singapore and Malaysia due to agricultural clearance fires in Indonesia every year (seen this article about a fake skyline for tourists to pose in Hong Kong?)

I have answers to seek and if you have any sources you can point me to – do let me know please

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