
Ike in the works

Hurricane Ike is the talk of the day. It is scheduled to enter the Gulf early tomorrow and the computer models predict it will hit the Gulf coast anywhere between Galveston and New Orleans. Well, time will tell what happens. But, for some reason, my intuition/gut tells me that it is our turn this time. And my gut feeling has been quite trustworthy… We are topping up our gas tanks, and stocking our pantry with dry goods and water just incase.

Meanwhile, I have friends from Baton Rouge cleaning up after Gustav, which ended up not as bad as feared but still toppling some big trees and leaving a trail of destruction. I hate to think what Ike will do if it hits the same area again. Might be, just might be, it is not really worth pumping money to rehabilitate NOLA… I am not sure… as a student who has worked quite a bit on flooding in the Gulf coast, I know how devastating each storm could be and believe me, FEMA’s flood maps are really not the guiding post.

Coming again to NOLA… it has always been my dream to visit New Orleans after all we live a measly 6 hr drive from there. We first planned a trip and booked the hotel and stuff, Hurricane Katrina struck… and devastated the coast for more than a year. All our friends warned us against taking a trip till recently when NOLA was gaining back some of its lost glory. So this year, we were planning a trip during Thanksgiving and now Hurricane Gustav and more devastation…

I just think I should stop planning trips to NOLA…everytime I plan it is another hurricane… am I jinxed?

and if you live in the Gulf Coast please stock up and get ready for Ike… it never hurts to be prepared…and if you are not in the Gulf Coast pray for those who live there…

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