
Memory Triggers-1

I work in an office which has spotty cellphone coverage. It just gives me a regular excuse to step out and enjoy the day outside the confines of my cold office. A few minutes in the sun does marvels rejuvenating me. I enjoy stepping outside to smell the fresh cut grass, the bright sunshine and people watching! Right outside my building are two big urns filled with plants. Till yesterday those urns held a hibiscus plant and a small cluster of rather poor looking flowering plants. This morning at around 10am, I stepped out for a quick break and there I saw it. The urns filled with brightly colored bougainvillea flowers, so pretty and eye capturing. Before I can think anything else, memories flooded me… memories from childhood.

The days when I spent playing under the trellis overflowing with bougainvilleas that my grandmother lovingly nurtured. I remembered the unique smell of the bougainvillea leaves when rubbed between the fingers, a smell pungent and something I loved. I have forgotten when was the last time I crushed the leaves of the bougainvillea and enjoyed the smell so much. And it was the first thing I did today. The memories came gushing, simple things like dissecting the flowers, separating the pink bracts from the actual white flower.

Simple triggers, amazing memories to savor forever….
Has something triggered your memory recently? Tell me about it…

More memory triggers soon…

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