
Memory games

My ramblings… Are there times when you wish you were forgetful? Easily able to erase the past, the unwanted at will and move on? Photographic memory that helped all through the years be it the recitation competition at age 5 or the all important board examinations at 17… sometimes Continue reading

Why we blog

We started blogging a few months back coz it was THE thing to do and over the last 6 months we have come to enjoy it. We blog for the fun of it, we are happy to have a place to dish out our nonsense. We don’t care if anyone reads it or comments about it.. we just enjoy putting down what Continue reading

Vacation – 4

The last destination of our vacation was Niagara Falls, Canada. Yes we did go to the Canadian side and it is definitely a better view that the American side. From NJ it was a good 7+ hours drive and crossing the border was a breeze. Once you learn to look past the tacky touristy attractions, Continue reading