
The Habit of Reading

It is no secret – my little girl loves her books. Our usual weekend hangout is the library. If there is one thing I want her to retain in life it will be her love for books. They stay with you for life. As a book worm I cannot imagine anything better than lazy afternoons reading and discussing books with my daughter in the years to come.

I have friends ask me all the time how I do it. How and why does kuttyma like books? What did I do to encourage it? I wish I had long answers and a fool-proof method. I just dabble along this parenting pathway and I have had some success so to say. And I live in constant fear – fear that she will lose the love for books amongst others.

Here are few things I think worked for us

Never say NO

We started young – when she was probably a year. If she pulls a book (and later ages asks us to read or brings it to us) we will stop whatever we are doing and read to her. It was not easy. Food left uncooked, chores undone but we never say no to reading in our household.

Lead the way

She never saw me idling around without a book. If I crash out on the sofa I have a book in hand. I even read when watching TV. We had/have a bedside stack of books to read before sleeping. She watches us do it and follows it.

Visit the Library

They inspire. I am lucky I have had access to some good libraries. If you do not have a public library, plan a book swap with a friend every month. Also make sure you walk along the “big people” section to show big people also read.

Have a book shelf

A good book shelf is worth its weight in gold. A collection of books with some classics and favorites will do. Also try to include some “advanced” book to show reading is a learning process. Add some books in other languages you may speak or learn in school

Make it fun

Reading is not just looking at pictures. Act it out. Sing it. Craft it. There are lots of inspiring material on the internet. One of my favorite memories is R singing “Hop on Pop” and a giggling kuttyma begging him to stop.

Reduce electronics time

This is a hard one. TV/Ipads and DVD players are convenient baby-sitters. But try to reduce them and use books as baby sitters. It is not easy. I am not perfect and I struggle with it. But we try to balance it out

And if you are not sure what books to pick up for your toddler, stop by my Goodreads page. I have a huge list of books kuttyma enjoyed/enjoys.


  1. pooh

    April 30, 2013 at 10:19 am

    @Sudha – Am glad you got the dose of books! I personally do not believe in buying books (especially adult fiction) as I generally do not read it more than once and I have always had access to great libraries when growning up and at present too.

    @Veens – Welcome to Poohsden and yes it is hard fighting with TV and book eaters but I hope to instil a love that will last for life. I understand about reading a book multiple times. We have a few like that which I feel I should record and just play it. I love the feeling of cuddling my daughter after a long day at work and reading her favorite books and hearing her complete each sentence.

    @LG – You and your daughter are a major inspirations for me 🙂

  2. Veens

    April 26, 2013 at 2:44 am

    So true! In our case, I never really started early. There was a lack of patience/ motivation or something (constant throwing of books was a major put – off). But I for the last 1 year, have been pushing him to “listen” to me read. Even when he pushes the book away, or runs off – I just go on reading aloud. By reading daily, going to the library, doing activities with him, reading about stuff he likes (Cars!), Cutting down on TV… it is NOT easy at all – we are now at a phase where he chooses what he would like me to read – so I end up reading the same book a 100 times, but still it is worth it, and I do not crib 🙂

    Lovely post.

  3. sudhasruthi

    April 25, 2013 at 6:47 pm

    Starting early is the key..I still vividly remember the picture books that I have read in my very early years..The best library that i had access during school days was at Perima’s house..Name a popular book- be it a perry mason, Agatha Christie, Robin Cook, Jefferey Archer, Sidney Sheldon, Enid Blyton , Tinkle, Archies..you can get it there, carefully preserved..Some dating years before I was born!!

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