
She says

It has been a while since I documented kuttyma’s talks. I usually tweet about her (#kuttyma) and do not make an effort to write. Also she has grown dramatically. She talks and she talks but she makes sense most (if not all) of the time. She uses words like “disappointed” and “lonely” and “rude” in her conversations and I am suddenly overwhelmed by the power of words and my daughter.

Some snippets

Her career choices: At 3 years and 4 months she has her career choices sorted out – a ballerina, a fairy princess and a teacher. The first and the last choice make my heart sing. The fairy princess did not sit well with me. So we had this conversation

Me: So what does a fairy princess actually do? I do not think they do any work

Her: They do not work. They be at home and kiss their daughters

There you go I asked for it. She filled me with the working mom guilt. But if being a fairy princess means kissing your daughter all day and point me to the place where I should sign up. I can kiss her all day

My caregiver:

With R globetrotting, it is a team of 2 girls at home. I was not in the greatest mood one day and it was evident.

Her: Do not be sad mommy. I am there for you. I always there for you.

She kept repeating it and holding my hands till I smiled. When did she become my caregiver?

The enormity of the moment sunk in and I vowed to make her understand it is ok to be sad for sometime. I want her to face her emotions and talk about them.

Party Planner:

She has started planning and INVITING people over for her 4th birthday party which is 8 months away. I am truly freaking out. She has already issued invites to couple of my colleagues and has clear ideas what she wants to do. I am sort of pushing her for a “Red Riding Hood” themed party but lot can happen in 8 months

Decision Maker:

I want her to be an independent thinker. I want her to be able to make responsible decisions in life. I want her to do what makes her happy. I try to let her make some decisions and at times we end up with more trouble than we anticipated.

One fine morning,

Her: Mommy, you need to call Ms.A (one of her teachers). She tell mommy call and kuttyma do quiet time

Me: (confused) Why should I call Ms.A?

Her: Ms.A tell if mommy call and say no nap then kuttyma go to library (school library), play with legos, play with puzzles

To cut the story short – based on requests from parents kids in her class can skip the nap. Instead they do quiet activities. It was evident she wanted to do it. I told her teacher to give her the option of trying quiet time all the while knowing it was not the brightest idea.And yes I paid the price for it. A very cranky kuttyma came home that evening. She cried and fought for everything.

The next day,

Me: Kuttyma, please remember to take a short nap before you do quiet time else you will be cranky. Remember you were super cranky yesterday.

Her: But I want to go to library and read so many books

Sigh – how many sleepless nights have I spent trying to finish my books. I am torn with pride and practicality. I am really proud that my daughter wants to skip sleep to read but she ends up super cranky. I think she learned her lesson and maybe get a quick nap before heading to the library.

Book Worm

She loves her books no doubt about it. As we head out of home towards the library we start bargaining.

Her: I want 6 books (our library card limit is 8)

Me: You can take 2

Her: No! I want 6

We compromise and she ends up with 4-5 books usually. I end up feeling extremely ashamed as I have to fight with my own daughter for books.

We recently read Olivia by Ian Falconer and this is exactly what we do every night. It made me laugh – oh well I am not the only parent going through this I guess




  1. pooh

    February 9, 2013 at 9:16 pm

    @Nivi – all I hope for is that the love sustains. A lot can happen in the years to come
    @raji – I love the Public Library at Singapore totally worth the $40+ annual membership. The Houston public library was free with 50 book limit and I used to go crazy there. I sort of miss it at Singapore. Well good luck in your plan working the coming years

  2. raji

    February 9, 2013 at 2:38 am

    Thats really cute!!!!! Hearing “I am there with you always” from an innocent child can be the most consoling thing, ever! 🙂
    Even my son does it and it brings an instant warmth! 🙂

    oh 8 books at a time! thats great!!!
    Here our rental library in bangalore is damn costly.. yet v get to take only 2 books and a magazine at a time! 🙁
    And v have to take books for both of us!!! 🙁 since he is just two and a half, he agrees with my choice of 1 book for him and one book+1 mag for me plan! 🙂 dont know when he will start his fight! 🙂

  3. Nivedita

    February 8, 2013 at 5:33 pm

    so cute!wish my daughter would love books the same way!

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