
The Quiet

I have been in our Australian home for a total of 2 days now and the first thing that strikes me is the stillness.

After living in Houston and Singapore, Gladstone is an empty parking lot. It is quiet. It is silent without actually any moment.

No morning rush, no school bus huffing up the street, no kids groaning in the morning and not even the annoying sounds of the dump truck.

All I heard was magpie larks chirping and the neighbor’s dog going ballastic.

I savor the silence now. I look forward to the morning peace for now. Soon I am sure you will hear me complaining about the same.

For someone who lived in the city the past decade, the suburban lifestyle is quite a change. I went around clicking pictures of quiet roads and still trees. I caught a peek of trampolines in many households. Maybe I will see some action later during the day?


I wait and watch as my days in Gladstone, Australia moves on

1 Comment

  1. Australian Accounts | Pooh's Den

    November 27, 2013 at 6:16 am

    […] The first thing that struck me about Gladstone (and Australia in general) is the quietness. Wide open landscapes with a stillness that could be mistaken for a painting was how I saw it. I saw it different ways on different days. I loved the quietness and then I screamed to break it. […]

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