
What’s in your shopping bag?

I am sure the questions below have been thrown at you at some point of time.

Do you recycle?

Why do you recycle?

Is it recyclable?

I have asked these questions to myself and others. I do it frequently. I have been religiously recycling and reusing. I dream about having a zero waste household and a negative carbon footprint. I am that “Green Mommy” you read about in the mommy stereotypes list.

Recently I realised that I have been missing a big part of this giant jigsaw puzzle we are trying to put together in an attempt to save our planet. I did ensure I recycled and reused cereal boxes and milk containers but I did not think about checking the packing before I brought them.

So partnering with Tetrapak I joined the #Packtivism movement. The past 4 weeks, I have been training myself to check the renewability of packaging when I pick up a product at the super market. Just like I check the nutritional information at the back of the box, I check for logos/words that tell me about the renewability (and not just the recycle logo).

Packtivism logos

Most products don’t seem to have any renewability logos but it is a trend that is changing. It is also not easy to check for these logos in the middle of a crazy shopping trip with a kid in tow. But making it an habit helps.

I have almost successfully trained my mind to scan for the words “compostable, biodegradable, made from natural sources” and the logos in the picture above before I pick something up.

Stop by TetraPak’s super cool and informative site to learn more about their renewable packaging that keeps your food fresh.

This post is a part of #Packtivism – an initiative by TetraPak

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