
Yogurt Pops

It is almost summer and that means icecreams. Fortunately or unfortunately my daughter hates icecreams. To make chocolate icecreams healthier I made these yogurt pops

Here is the recipe

1 cup yogurt

1/2 cup cup chocolate syrup (since I was making this for kids I picked one that has sugar in it. You can always swap it out with homemade chocolate with no sugar. Other syrups like strawberry will also go well)

1 frozen banana (Did you know bananas freeze amazingly well? I throw bananas that are overripe into the freezer and they make great smoothies. Just chop the frozen banana and throw it in)

Throw everything into the blender and swirl. We did a taste test on one full batch at this point of time. Yes it is a great smoothie.

Pour into small plastic cups. Place it on a tray (skipping this makes it a pain to handle), cover with aluminium wrap or plastic wrap and put it into the freezer.

After an hour or two, when the yogurt has started to solidify, pull the tray out, use a knife to make some slits on the foil cover and insert the pop sticks

Back into the freezer for atleast 4-6 hours (overnight is prefered).

When you are ready to eat, just pop out of the plastic container and enjoy.

Most of us enjoyed eating with a spoon than as a pop. Next time around I am going to skip the sticks.

Other combinations: banana+peanut butter; mango lassi; very berry; apple caramel; and I could think of many more

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