

Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff

I first heard about this book on my local radio station. I even remember exactly where I was (on WestPark approaching the Buffalo Speedway signal). That was late 2015. The book kept appearing on all the best books for 2015 list and I decided I needed to read it.

At the crux of the book is a marriage – a special one – the one of Lotto and Mathilde. The complexities of love and marriage, the fate and furies make the book. One would think a book built on a marriage would be runoff the mill, drab and such but Groff’s writing rises above it all.

The first part of the book – Fates is Lotto’s story. Lancelot “Lotto” Satterwhite is born to affluence. He is a cherished son and nephew. He is an actor and he needs constant affirmation. He sways between self-pity and depression seeking company (and women). He is revered and loved. He meets Mathilde and they get married. I almost swooned over the ways of Lotto and got suspicious of Mathilde as Lauren Groff worked her magic.

Their marriage is complex (like most) and successful. We see their marriage through Lotto’s eyes and start making our own conclusions when Furies – Mathilde’s story of Lotto is thrust on the reader. The opinions and thoughts the first part created are all challenged and leaves the reader amazed at the way the author brings a complex relationship to words.

The success of this book hinges on Lauren Geoff’s beautiful writing. She brings to life the two sides of a marriage (and the complexities of human mind and nature) with each partner choosing to remember certain parts of their past and letting it influence the present.

There is also some formulaic parts in the book – portions that made me wince – the age-old mother-in-law and daughter-in-law fights over Lotto and Lotto being completely unaware of the situation. It adds yet another layer to the book

Grief is for the strong, who use it as fuel for burning.

There are beautiful sentences all through the book that makes the reader think. It is definitely not a beach read. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys good writing.


1 Comment

  1. Salvatore

    March 5, 2016 at 1:38 am

    Incredible points.Great arguments. Keep up thee great spirit.

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