
Gym Motivation

Motivating Myself

I am not a gym-freak or a health nut. I exercise because I have to. I don’t have the greatest metabolism and also don’t believe that I should deprive the foodie in me.

I workout because I can indulge in chocolate.

Fitness has slowly become a part of my life. My fitness journey like this blog has had ups, downs and plateaus. There are days when I am so inspired that I am there at the gym regularly and raring to go. Then there are days when I drag my feet and make small talk with the people at the gym to avoid getting on with my workout. And then there are days when I seek excuses not to go the gym.

Finding motivation is a task in itself. It is as big as the workout session itself. Over the past couple of years, I have developed a system of ways to motivate myself. No it doesn’t involve keeping a food log or getting on a scale. I hate both of those tasks. It doesn’t involve having someone to talk to. As an introvert, most days I am anti-people.

Gym Motivation

Here are some ways I motivate myself,

Following the Right People on Social Media

Twitter is my go-to motivation. I follow a number of fitness related tweeters and seeing the tweets and pictures is an instant motivation. Every time I scroll through my TL, I see a minimum of one fitness related tweet guilting, tempting, and motivating me.

New Apps

Workout apps are plenty. I don’t use any apps to actually workout but I download new ones every few weeks. Just seeing them on my phone multiple times a day is a motivation.

The Right Playlist

I listen to music while I workout. I actually switch on the music as I drive to the gym and get into the mood. My workout playlist is eclectic and fits me well. Every few weeks I take the time to actually clean up and update the list.

P.S: There are days when I workout to carnatic music.

New Workout

Try something new. There is always something new popping up. Try a new class, join a group or whatever rocks your boat. I recently tried Iyengar Yoga and Pure Barre. I have been quite regular at Pure Barre the past 15 days. I know I will grow tired of it soon but for now it gets me working.

Binge Watch TV

Favorite TV shows and wifi at the gym are great for cardio routines. I pop on the machine, set the speed and incline, plug my headsets and start watching. It is a great time to enjoy your show while working up a sweat

Family Workouts

I love my workout sessions with kuttyma. We both hit the gym and plank together. We have boxing sessions and work with weights. It is always fun to workout with the family. Some gyms offer family workout sessions. Also workouts don’t have to be in the gym. On Saturdays we grab our cycles and head to the nearest park with some balls to toss around.

Mother-Daughter Plank time


Bribe yourself. I often treat myself to a small chai latte at Starbucks if I get 4 workouts a week. It makes it worth it.

Cute Outfits

Athleisure is a rage right now. Have you seen the cute outfits available? Shopping for cute outfits to wear to the gym is another reason to hit the gym. Yes, athleisure pieces aren’t cheap but it they get you motivated and moving go indulge.

A Team Sport 

I am really not a team sport person but I know many who swear by it. Joining a amateur team is a surefire way to get a workout.

What motivates you to get to the gym? Spill the beans


1 Comment

  1. Finding The Motivation To Fitness - Indian Moms Connect

    April 26, 2016 at 10:01 am

    […] A version of this post first appeared on my personal blog.  […]

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